Tom Vanallemeersch, Arne Defauw, Sara Szoc, Alina Kramchaninova, Joachim Van den Bogaert & Andrea Lösch
We describe the language technology (LT) assessments carried out in the ELRC action (European Language Resource
Coordination) of the European Commission, which aims towards minimising language barriers across the EU. We zoom in on
the two most extensive assessments. These LT specifications do not only involve experiments with tools and techniques but
also an extensive consultation round with stakeholders from public organisations, academia and industry, in order to gather
insights into scenarios and best practices. The LT specifications concern (1) the field of automated anonymisation, which is
motivated by the need of public and other organisations to be able to store and share data, and (2) the field of multilingual fake
news processing, which is motivated by the increasingly pressing problem of disinformation and the limited language coverage
of systems for automatically detecting misleading articles. For each specification, we set up a corresponding proof-of-concept
software to demonstrate the opportunities and challenges involved in the field.
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