Translation Automation
With over twenty years of experience, CrossLang can advise, implement, and support customers with all their translation automation needs. We guide our customers on this journey thanks to our team of AI specialists and NLP experts.

Translation Automation Services
The Translation Automation process always starts with a consultancy step. Our team of language engineers helps customers document their current state, define a target state and develop a business case and model to meet their business goals. CrossLang has always focused on building lasting relationships based on trust, open exchanges of knowledge and delivering real results. These values make our customers’ businesses more vital, flexible and resilient. Read more here.
Translation Management
One of the main tools used to assist Translation Automation, is the deployment of a Translation Management System (TMS). A TMS is often used as a translation environment but it can be so much more. A TMS keeps track of deadlines, manages a customer’s translation memory and terminology,… CrossLang is a recognized distributor of some of the most widely used TMSes available. For each customer, we advise which TMS is suited best for their use case. Afterwards, we can deploy, secure and support TMSes to lighten the load of our customers and letting them focus on their core business.
Machine Translation
Probably the best known translation automation tool is machine translation. As the quality of machine translation has increased considerably over the last few years, it is now a viable option in many commercial settings. Read more here.
Terminology Management
Terminology management ensures a clear, consistent and distinctive voice when communicating internally or externally, supporting a company’s equity around the globe. However, as organizations grow larger and more complex, and more people and different languages are involved, the more a Terminology Management System and process become vital. Read more here.
Integration and Continuous Localization
German Premium Automotive Manufacturer
Automotive content and localization flows are complex, continuous and require just in time production as well as high quality standards and brand recognition. For one of the global leading automotive manufacturers headquartered in Germany, CrossLang maintains and continues to expand and customize the localization workflow to keep pace with the evolving needs. From infrastructure operation to TMS, terminology management to machine translation portals, CrossLang is the trusted vendor maintaining the total solution.