July 11-13, 2022: LocWorld47 Berlin
CrossLang will be attending LocWorld 47 in Berlin as Exhibitor.
ELRC Action: Covering Confidentiality, Correctness and Cross-linguality (2022)
Authors: Tom Vanallemeersch, Arne Defauw, Sara Szoc, Alina Kramchaninova, Joachim Van den Bogaert & Andrea Lösch
Synthetic Data Generation for Multilingual Domain-Adaptable Question Answering Systems (2022)
Authors: Alina Kramchaninova & Arne Defauw
Automatically Extracting the Semantic Network out of Public Services to Support Cities Becoming Smart Cities (2022)
Authors: Joachim Van den Bogaert, Laurens Meeus, Alina Kramchaninova, Arne Defauw, Sara Szoc, Frederic Everaert, Koen Van Winckel, Anna Bardadym & Tom Vanallemeersch
June 21-23, 2022: LREC
LREC is a major event on Language Resources (LRs) and Evaluation for Human Language Technologies.
June 17, 2022: CLIN conference
CLIN is a forum for presentations by academia and industry on all aspects of computational linguistics and natural language processing.
June 14, 2022: ELRC technical workshop
Top-level speakers inform staff of EU institutions and Member State administrations on various aspects of pre-trained language models in public administrations and industry.
June 8-9, 2022: META-FORUM
CrossLang will attend the 11th edition of META-FORUM, the international conference series on powerful and innovative Language Technologies for the multilingual information society.
June 1-3, 2022: 23rd Annual EAMT Conference
The conference provides a forum for presentations on machine translation and translation-related tools and resources.
May 18, 2022 – NLP Meetup
This meetup brings together people with an interest in natural language processing and promotes collaboration.
OCCAM: Cross-lingual Unlocking of Non-digital Texts (2021)
Authors: Laurens Meeus, Joachim Van den Bogaert, Arne Defauw, Oan Stultjens, Sara Szoc, Tom Vanallemeersch, Frederic Everaert & Koen Van Winckel
Validating Quality Estimation in a Computer-Aided Translation Workflow: Speed, Cost and Quality Trade-off (2021)
Authors: Fernando Alva-Manchego, Lucia Specia, Sara Szoc, Tom Vanallemeersch & Heidi Depraetere