Tilde (Latvia)
NBN (Bureau for Standardisation, Belgium)
RIK (Centre of Registers and Information Systems, Estonia)
Project Description
The MICE project (Middleware for Customised eTranslation) delivers a middleware layer that improves a customised machine translation (MT) system or connects to the CEF eTranslation MT system. The middleware layer offers services such as:
- Domain adaptation
- Terminology resolution
- Named-entity recognition
- Document filtering
- Normalisation
On top of that, an environment for human post-edition of MT output is provided. This supports users in dynamically improving the MT output and aggregating data for further improvement of customised MT systems.
The MICE project creates a reference implementation for the automated translation of standards and e-Business/e-Land register information in Belgium and Estonia. Customised MT systems as well as translation memories have been set up for NBN and RIK using previously translated texts and terminology databases in their domain. Languages involved are English, French, Dutch, and Estonian.
The software developed is extensible in order to allow for future add-ons of MT-related services, such as automated domain detection or combination of MT systems.
More information is provided at
Related articles

MICE: a Middleware Layer for MT (2020)
Authors: Joachim Van den Bogaert, Heidi Depraetere & Tom Vanallemeersch

MICE (2019)
Authors: Joachim Van den Bogaert, Heidi Depraetere, Tom Vanallemeersch, Frederic Everaert, Koen Van Winckel et al.